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Financial Independence through Public Service


Welcome to Fed on FIRE (FoF) where we explore reaching Financial Independence through Public Service (and more). We’re excited you’ve found us! Click below to drop us a line and to find out more about the motivation behind FoF.


New to Financial Independence? Well on your way to being financially free? Already achieved FIRE? Regardless of your current financial situation, FoF has beneficial content for everyone to enjoy, including stories directly from the FoF community.


Join your hosts ‘J’ and ‘Betty’ while they tackle personal finance head-on. Whether you’re a Government employee, Military service member, Veteran, or work in the private sector - tune in and let us help you find your path to FI!


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I see all this potential, and I see it squandered... an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables - slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy [stuff] we don’t need...
— Tyler Durden